Beams are horizontal members that transfer loads imposed vertically. Load transferred on the beam is external along the axis i.e. its length to its support such as columns, foundations, walls, etc. Beams carry transverse load that runs horizontally and the sloping beams transfer both axial and transverse load and deflect by bending.
Beams are categorized based on the types of support, loading conditions, cross-section, materials that are used, etc.
Reinforced Concrete Beam: Reinforced concrete beams are the horizontal structural members that carry transverse external loads. These are important members loaded to cause bending moment and shear force. In reinforced concrete beam concrete is strong in compression and the reinforced steel rods are used to carry the tensile stress. These beams transfer the load to the columns from their supporting slabs other beams, walls, and other columns. Sometimes these beams are designed as concealed beams inside slabs and these are called concealed or hidden beams.