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It can be contemplating to perceive the beginning of a design project. Designers and students often struggle to find the solution of a design project and the method to approach. This article proposes few pointers that might help designers and architects with a smooth process of designing towards the final output.

1. Unscramble the brief in your connotation

The brief of a project generally includes information regarding the type and requirement of the project, site, client, etc. As the first step of the design process, it is very important to highlight and understand the prime and relevant information and refine the brief and make the design process easier. It is essential to understand the problem further recording the opportunities and limitations that will help in determining the approach to be adopted. This brainstorming will result in design ideas that can further be developed. This acts as a foundation thus helps the designer gain interest, understand the requirements and as a result design and deliver the best design solution to the brief.

2. Study the project site and its context

After simplifying and understanding the brief and client requirements, the next step could be to study the subject site for the project. To do so studying the site for its physical attributes and relevant neighborhood through google maps is easy and handy. It helps in analyzing the materials, scale, etc. used in the vicinity. The wind direction, solar path, and thus the shadows that surrounding subjects cast on the site are important to study to narrow down the direction of openings and other features. These are the general overall attributes in context to the subject site that aid in understanding the site better and initiates design features and ideas that can be implemented to use the site at its best.

3. Make a note of the scope and limitations

After collecting enough data about the site’s physical attributes it is perfectly rational to note the scope and limitations derived from the brief and the site analysis. This information can be drawn through the design code of the particular area that is manifested by the council for the specific region. The type of building to be designed indicates the scale, material, and constraints if any. The client’s suggestions and particular requirements will influence the scope and limitations of to design. Studying the site and its context makes it easier to derive the scope of design and set limitations to the otherwise broader vision. To sum up, this step narrows down the options by cutting out the limitations and might add a few to the scope of design.

4. Research about the context and study relevant precedents

Post making a note of the scope and limitations of the project and studying the site, the next step should be to do some research of the context and study some precedents that will inspire and assist in understanding the design better. There might be some issues for which the precedents can offer solutions too through their designs or innovations. Studying precedents helps in understanding the architect’s interpretation of similar context and help in understanding the reason for using a specific element in the design. Overall, this phase of designing will give design ideas, probable solutions to problems that might arise in the future, and a different vision to a similar design context.

5. Put the ideas on paper by sketching

This is the stage where the ideas and analysis merge and are envisioned through sketches on paper making the idea come to life. These sketches are just ideas that are brought on paper and need to be perfect. The best case is to do so without any interruption to gain perfection so that the flow of ideas is maintained. As ideas start taking shape there will manipulation to the ideas with experimentation, the addition of ideas, features, etc. This being the concept developing stage need not have final and perfect sketches in terms of straight lines, scale, etc. but just ideas that can further be molded into the site constraints and shape them to create a final design. Sketching also helps to communicate ideas to clients and co-designers as graphical representations are always more penetrable. This is the final stage where the best ideas from sketches can be merged before using BIM software to scale and fit the design on the site and improvise further to establish the final result.

6. Improvise design solutions

After putting the design on the site some constant developments and improvisations make the design a better fit for the client. Communication with the client and co-designers during the process is the key while developing the design. It is very important to take criticism positively and use it as an opportunity to craft the design as envisioned and with constant improvisations, ideas will be developed and turn into a great design.

Designers have their path of designing that they are comfortable and follow. These steps might help in drafting your process of designing and help in understanding which methods or mediums suit the best for exploration as an individual designer.


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